Thursday, June 13, 2013

Playground, Italy

This little clip just made my day! Besides beautiful nature in the northern region of Trentino and super solid shots, the composition of video and the perfect use of subtle audio recordings just blew me away!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Quite inspiring short film by Desillusion Magazine and Nike on pro skateboarder Eric Koston, one of the most influential characters in the board culture scene since its earliest days. I really dig his attitude towards life and his one and only passion - skateboarding - which strongly defines who he is. He never set off to become a pro athlete, he just pursued what he loved to do the most.

Every once in a while, we should remind ourselves that being able to do what we love is a privilege, and not a matter of course. And we should be grateful more often and appreciate what we got.

Life's good!